Developer Guide
A discussion about each API endpoint can be found at API walk-through
How to administer a stateless assessment Stateless Assessment
How to customize a stateless assessment Stateless Customization
New Stopping Rules for Selected PROMIS CATs New Stopping Rules
How to localize a form in the API Localize Forms
Form(s) endpoint and LOINC coding.
Installation instructions
Verify/Turn on the Windows features that are displayed below.

Create an Application Pool for the API application.

Add an ASP.NET application to the website and assign the pool to the app. *Note the application needs to be below the root website

Verify the database Server authentication supports both SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode

Installation Troubleshooting
When I navigate to my api instance I get the following error:

This is caused when the api application is running under an app Pool set to .NET v2.0.50727 instead of .NET 4.0.30319
When I navigate to my api instance I get the following error:

.NET 4.0 is not properly registered on your IIS.
using the command below, depending on the OS (64 or 32)
Go to cmd and type this:
for x64 O.S: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir
for x32 O.S: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir
How to upgrade to the current release for instances more than one release behind
Result Interpretation
Do you have population based norms for T-Scores?
A lookup table for selected norms is included in /docs/TScore_Percentile.xlsx.
Percentiles are included based on gender and age groups.
Illness Impact Measures
Administering Illness Impact measures are different than other measures because 3 items are presented for each request
Illness Impact measures are archived, but they still can be administered, by using the FormOID listed below:
FormOID | Name | |
3156A7E4-CC27-4504-962A-B8472CAF1A59 |      | PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Psychosocial Illness Impact Neg |
D7C20FB2-8A2E-4A43-A13C-652D59006624 |      | PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Psychosocial Illness Impact Pos |
8F838F15-C9D4-4009-863B-E9B2D0C58044 |      | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Psychosoc Illness Impact-Neg 4a |
8C1DE1DA-D33E-416A-B9C1-6FBF9D150EBA |      | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Psychosoc Illness Impact-Neg 8a |
57B119B2-F8A4-40C9-BAC3-3F1E7A8E7454 |      | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Psychosoc Illness Impact-Pos 4a |
08AB0C1F-C2F8-4DD3-98BE-6230E4B501ED |      | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Psychosoc Illness Impact-Pos 8a |
Syntax of Illness Impact measures
You will need to present three items on the screen. The first item will be the stem and will NOT have mappings associated with it. Do not respond to this item. The next two items (i.e. 'before' and 'since' items will have itemID followed by .b .a) will have mappings and these are the two items that you will respond to.
Submitting data for Illness Impact measures
FormItemOID attributes must be posted along with ItemResponseOID and Response. Each form-data variable is piped.
An example of POSTed form-data variables is below
FormItemOID = B5E5F9BD-2915-4274-AD3E-9CFC2861B6EE|6F1440CB-20F2-457B-A7F5-8C41CDD69175ItemResponseOID = 48E3B064-CA1E-4936-A96D-0A763392E3D6|14DD8FC6-0E01-4620-863E-D1F7672D22F4
Response = 3|3
Below is what a trace request would look like
POST /ac_api/2014-01/Participants/c720c55b-ad45-4481-a2db-5bee9db475ce.json HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Authorization: Basic MzlD ... A== Cache-Control: no-cache ----WebKitFormBoundaryE19zNvXGzXaLvS5C
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="FormItemOID" B5E5F9BD-2915-4274-AD3E-9CFC2861B6EE|6F1440CB-20F2-457B-A7F5-8C41CDD69175 ----WebKitFormBoundaryE19zNvXGzXaLvS5C Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ItemResponseOID" 48E3B064-CA1E-4936-A96D-0A763392E3D6|14DD8FC6-0E01-4620-863E-D1F7672D22F4 ----WebKitFormBoundaryE19zNvXGzXaLvS5C Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Response" 3|3 ----WebKitFormBoundaryE19zNvXGzXaLvS5C